Enfermedades comunes en adolescentes
La adolescencia puede ser un tiempo confuso. Si usted es padre o adolescente, hay muchos cambios en marcha y puede ser difícil. Los cuerpos adolescentes están cambiando de niño a adulto y las emociones a menudo están por todas partes. Los niveles fluctuantes de hormonas son normales en este grupo de edad, pero pueden llevar a algunos desafíos incluso para los padres experimentados.
Las enfermedades comunes entre los adolescentes también son algo únicas. Aunque los adolescentes pueden contraer los mismos gérmenes que el resto de nosotros, ciertas enfermedades y afecciones son más comunes en este rango de edad que en otros momentos de nuestra vida. 1
El frio comun
Hay una razón por la que el frío se llama común. Es la enfermedad más frecuente en el mundo. En promedio, los adultos contraen de 2 a 4 resfriados por año, pero los niños pueden contraerlos de 6 a 10 veces por año. Los adolescentes caen en el rango de adultos en este caso. La mayoría de los adolescentes se contagian entre dos y cuatro resfriados cada año. Sin embargo, pueden ser causados por más de 200 virus diferentes, por lo que es fácil detectarlos repetidamente. 2
La gripe o la gripe
Although many people blow off the flu as nothing more than a bad cold, it is quite the opposite. Instead of a gradual worsening of symptoms over several days (which is how cold symptoms progress) flu symptoms hit you suddenly and all at once. Most people who get the flu describe it as feeling like they have been hit by a truck.
Although otherwise healthy teens usually recover from the flu without any complications, the condition can be deadly. In fact, one common trait among pandemic flu strains (such as the pandemic flu of 1918 and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic) is that they disproportionately kill young, healthy people—often teenagers. 3
Strep Throat
Strep throat is an infection in the throat caused by the streptococcus bacteria. It is most common in school-aged children between the ages of 5 and 15. Because it is caused by a bacteria rather than a virus, it usually needs to be treated with antibiotics.
Symptoms of strep throat include a sore throat, fever, headache, swollen glands in the neck, and sometimes white patches in the throat. These can also be symptoms of viral infections though, so it’s important to see a doctor if you think you might have strep. They can do an exam and swab the throat to test for the bacteria that causes strep throat. 4
Mononucleosis, or “mono,” is sometimes called the kissing disease. It earned this nickname because it is most common among teenagers and it is spread through the saliva. Mono is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) most commonly but can also be caused by the Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
Symptoms of mono include severe fatigue, fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and sore muscles. Since these symptoms can be caused by many different illnesses, you’ll have to see your healthcare provider for an exam and blood test to determine if you actually have mono.
Symptoms can linger for months and people who have mono can be contagious for up to 18 months and sporadically throughout their lives.
If you get sick with mono (many people who have been exposed to the virus never have symptoms), you should not get it again. Although this infection is often referred to as the “kissing disease”, it is can be passed by any means that transfer saliva and body fluids, such as sharing utensils, toothbrushes, drinks, and even lip balm.5
Gastroenteritis or Stomach Flu
Gastroenteritis, more commonly called the stomach flu, is a frequent illness among teens. It is highly contagious, especially when someone who is infected doesn’t wash their hands well. The virus can be spread to surfaces and then picked up by another person who unknowingly infects themselves when they touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and occasionally fever are common. They can last anywhere from a few hours to several days. Fortunately, these illnesses are self-limiting, meaning they will go away on their own and typically don’t require treatment. The biggest concern when you have the stomach flu is dehydration. If you can’t keep any fluids down at all for several hours, seek medical attention. 6
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases, sometimes called sexually transmitted infections (STI), are increasingly common among teens. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HPV, HIV, and Hepatitis are just some of the diseases that can affect teenagers.
Even before you or your teen is sexually active, it’s important to know how these diseases can affect the body, how they can be prevented, and what steps to take if you are exposed. According to the CDC, there are 20 millions new cases of STDs diagnosed each year and half of those are among teens and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24.